One of the most powerful statements that I have read about action research is that many say it is a natural extension of "good teaching" (Ringler, 2007, pg. 28). Reading through the course resources also brought me to this conclusion. Continually reflecting on your teaching and the school's progress and analyzing your own practice while researching to make it better seems like what all good teachers and administrators should do.
I have learned that action research can be a powerful tool for improving teaching and learning (Ringler, 2007, pg 27). As school leaders facilitate action research with the teachers on campus, teachers are able to reflect on their teaching and a myriad of student data to define an issue to study. This issue naturally leads to analyzing data and reviewing literature to determine what solutions exist. It is not necessary to "re-invent the wheel." Surely there are others who have had similar problems and have devised methods to work on an issue. A teacher's unique skill set along with what they learned from the professional literature is then put into practice. Data is closely analyzed and the results are generated and should be shared with others to create true learning communities (Ringler, 2007, pg. 30-36). As an administrator the same questions and process are followed, but with a larger scope as total school improvement is the desired outcome. This could come in the form of action research taking place with members of the science department, for example, while the end result is total school improvement.
I have also learned that action research can be an effective professional development tool. Traditional professional development is sometimes seen as someone talking to a group of teachers as a "fix all." This kind of professional development is not effective since "fix-alls" rarely if ever work in a school. A movement toward a new model of professional growth is based on inquiry (Dana, 2009, pg. 10). Participation in action research helps principals develop a sense of ownership in the knowledge constructed, and this contributes to the possibilities for real change in schools (Dana, 2009, pg. 10).
Dana, 2009, said in quite succinctly that questioning one's own practice becomes part of the Principal's work and eventually part of the culture within the Principal's school (pg. 10). To me this is the basic idea behind action research. An educator whether it is a principal or teacher constantly questions their own practice, and turns to data and literature to answer these questions to create a better school.
As a principal, I will use action research as a type of leading by example. By continuously engaging in action research, I will set the tone as someone who is constantly looking to improve their practice in order to motivate teachers to do the same. I can also use action research to facilitate a group of teachers or a single teacher to define an issue to study to improve the practice of the group or of the individual. By facilitating and modeling, it would be my hope that teachers would engage in this practice on their own, making themselves life long learners. When the culture of the school includes action research, the school will continually improve.
Dana, N.F. (2009).
Leading with passion and knowledge: The principal as action researcher. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Ringler, M.C. (2007). Action research and effective instructional leadership skill for future public school leaders.
AASA Journal of Scholarship and Practice, 4(1), 27-42.